When “Thank you” doesn’t cover it and you’ve run out synonyms, how do you express your feelings of gratitude for, oh so many things? I’m running out of words. You’d think a writer would have some in the bank, but
Author: byddilee
Malachi’s Monday Musings
I’m excited to share another guest blog post from Malachi Kelly. Masks The use of masks and disguises by humans goes back millennia. Originally used for rituals and to distinguish hierarchy or power, masks have been on the go from
Make Every Day Mother’s Day
I want to hug My Mum. I want to crawl onto her knee, inhale her perfume and listen to her heartbeat the way I used to as a child. I want to drowse on her knee as she chats with
Let There Be Peas
They’ve germinated! They’ve germinated! Oh, the joy! Yep, I get this way when anything I plant germinates, but especially when it’s sugar snap peas because they are so yummy come harvest time. I’ll be eating these sweeties all summer, grazing
Guest Post By Malachi Kelly
It’s great to welcome Malachi Kelly to guest blog and cheer us all up in these strange times. Malachi is a playwright, poet, Flash Fiction writer, Open Mic host and Amdram actor. His work is widely published and loved by
The Grinch Who Stole St Patrick’s Day
Isn’t it weird how Covid 19 hit China just before the Lunar New Year, and now it’s managed to cancel St Patrick’s Day in Ireland? Nothing says ‘The End of The World’ louder than the pubs closing in Ireland! As
Going the Social Distance
I woke up this morning at 7 am, sneezed twice, and convinced myself that I had COVID-19 again. Not that I’ve ever had COVID-19 (at least not that I know of), but every ache/pain/cough/splutter over the last couple of weeks
The Titanic Hotel
I spent some of the best years of my teaching career at Rathmore Grammar School in Belfast, still have strong ties with the school, and have lifelong friendships with my old teaching colleagues, so when the school decided to have
The Stray Sod at the Armagh Museum
It was with great delight that I accepted an invitation for Flash Fiction Armagh to have another event at the Armagh County Museum. The folks there are just so amazing to deal with and when they explained their idea for
March to November
Because this time of year is the climax of my book March to November, I’m running a free kindle download promotion until 3rd November 2019. It’s free on all the Amazon sites worldwide but here are the links to download