I was sick with the nerves all day yesterday. Last night was the opening night of Zoomeo & Juliet and as My Husband (the man behind the Zoom ‘curtain’) and I checked off all the things that could go wrong, my stress levels mounted. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like for the people doing all the hard work – the cast!
As one of the three writers (Malachi Kelly and Tim Hanna from Armagh Theatre Group being my partners in ‘comedy crime’), I worried that we’d miss the mark with the craic. Would what we found funny, fall flat on its face? Were the jokes too obvious, or too subtle, or even work at all?
But we were in good hands. Our producer, Margery Quinn, picked up on every beat and coaxed the best from our amazing cast. They played a blinder!
The hour that I’d spend all day both longing for and dreading, came and went in a flash, but thanks to the magic of Zoom, we were able to read and reread the comments left by the audience… and they loved the show!

You might need to click on the picture to enlarge the text, but if that doesn’t work here is what some of our audience said…
“Really loved the show. Laughed out loud…”
“Super stuff guys. Very witty and relevant…”
“Great way of making the arts and theatre come back…”
That last comment was all the way from Paris, France! The beauty of a Zoom production is being able to reach an international audience. So far we have viewers signing up from California, Stockholm, United Arab Emirates, and even Donegal!
There are still places available for tonight and tomorrow, so follow the instructions below to secure your viewing.
This is also a fundraiser for the Armagh Theatre Group’s building project to extend Abbey Lane so it is £7.99 per “screen” (your whole family can watch).
If you wish to book a place for Friday 3rdnd July go to
If you wish to book a place for Saturday 4th July go to
We are presenting live performances – which can only be viewed on Zoom… so it is essential you have the zoom app on your computer/tablet (watching is best on a laptop or desktop computer. An ipad/tablet will work however a phone is not recommended.)
We will only have 80 “screen” places available each night and you need to register by clicking on the appropriate link above to secure your place. Please register and pay using a laptop or desktop computer. Using a tablet/ipad/mobile phone will work, but you will either need to already have a PayPal account or else open one. Then a link will be sent to you via email and you just click the link…
For more information, here’s a word from Monique Rennie, chairperson of the Armagh Theatre Group.
We do hope you enjoy the show!
Byddi Lee